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E Thinking and this website

Tools used to create the web pages and activities contained on this site, the actual site is put together using Microsoft SharePoint although I know Dreamweaver is apparently better.

Gif ninja!
Lower Order Thinking activities

This is fantastic for key word revision and comprehension, defining and describing, all at the lower end of Bloom's Taxonomy

Quizlet website  to create key word revision and games       Quizlet example   Quizlet
with pictures

This is a free download piece of software that allows you to make mix and match, drag and drop and cloze exercises, again, all testing comprehension and knowledge so at the lower end of Bloom's taxonomy. Hot potatoes website for free download- Cloze exercise example, mix and match example  

Movie Maker
Using Window's movie maker is fun!  I have used it for dances (kinaesthetic learning) and songs (auditory) to remember key concepts, also to introduce and review topics -
Movie Maker activities examples

Sing-a-long geography (from Mr Reynolds)

Geography dancing

Topic introduction and review

Auditory learners can struggle with text, I recorded my voice for these audio files - the idea is to get the students to download and use on their phones and MP3 players - MP3 files       Sound cloud website, free MP3 storage up to 2 hours, Sound cloud example

Word clouds look fantastic and are good for key word revision, lower end of Bloom's.  A colleague of mine suggested that they can be used for analysis - put one of the students exam answers into the engine, hopefully the key words in the question will appear the largest! Wordle - example from Geography, Tagxedo - a more interactive word cloud

Higher Order Thinking activities

Classtools website with free templates for interactive thinking games, from Russell Tarr - Diamond Rank, Living graph & classification (dustbin game!), annotation

- Disappearing 2013
Jing Example           Jing website - Free download  Jing within HOMEWORK MENUS

Web quests - settlements example

E-Thinking - Cross Over
Writing up Mysteries

Prezi - Designed as a presentation tool, I've used it for sharing mind maps and concept maps online.
Mind mapping - Example, student work

Prezi - Concept mapping template, Year 13 started work

Primary Pad - Online writing collaboration

Other stuff I like but have yet to use;
Bubbl.us - mindmapping
Cork board

A bit of fun....

Year 10          Year 11